Tuesday, April 24, 2007


1) Give a quick explanation of the topic and propose a debate resolution of the topic. (a couple of sentences)

This article was about whether freedom is important to America or not. My debate resolution is that an average American would define freedom as being able to do what s/he wants and get what s/he wants.

2) Explain why it is an important topic. You choose what to write about, but here are some suggestions if you are stuck: How does it impact your constitutional rights? Can it impact your daily life? Does it empower or disempowered you as an individual? Does it promote or inhibit public discussion? Does it help or hurt people getting along with one another? (short paragraph)

In the First Amendment, the freedom they give us is limited and this is for a good reason. This is because we want to have an organized and civilized country and community. Without the First Amendment, we might not have gotten to where we are today in terms of being a civilized society. Freedom is something that most people want in daily life, but we don't always get it. For instance, I just learned that you can't always do what you want, you have to work to earn that freedom because you don't deserve to be free if you haven't done anything to prove your freedom. One thing about freedom is that some people who don't have money or jobs, or are struggling in school, they may not want to work to get these things, but the only way you can get something in life today is to work for what you want and work for a living. It is basically survival of the fittest. The ones that aren't the fittest are the ones who are getting hurt.

3) Write one or two sentences that explain a good point made by the con side and one or two sentences that explain a good point made by the pro side (2-4 sentences total).

--My definition for freedom is that you can say as much as you want, but if the laws say something different because we are limited in our freedoms.
--Not everyone can say what they want and do what they want, especially if they don't have money or are part of a minority. Often it is more difficult for these people to express themselves and be listened. For example, the Klu Klux Klan makes it difficult for certain people to do and say what they want.

--The First Amendment gives people choices and protects them if they say what they want because it gives them freedom of speech.
--The First Amendment also gives people the freedom to believe what they want to believe so they can do what they want.

Monday, April 23, 2007

"The press should be censored in times of crisis."

My reading selection is pro and is called "The Press Should Not Be Censored During Times of Crisis."

Three things that support the pro position:

  1. "The only effective restraint upon executive policy and power. . .may lie in an enlightened citizenry."
  2. "Paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving people."
  3. "The stakes are high. America's great strength has been produced by an open society, where every policy was subject to great debate."

I don't think the press should be censored because I think people have the right to know the truth. Also in the First Amendment it says "that the Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. . ." (Amendment I, page 127). Therefore, the press has every right to give the people the truth, whether people want to believe or not. And people have the right to determine whether they want to believe the press or not. Also, in Viewpoint there is a quote "A press that is alert, aware and free most vitally serves the basic purpose of the First Amendment. For without an informed and free press there cannot be an enlightened citizenry" (page 48) which backs up what the First Amendment says about the press and it also brings up another point about the purpose of the press. The purpose of the press is to be able to write down what is actually happening and citizens should be able to decide whether they want to know about the information the press is giving them. It is each person's choice whether to listen or read what the press is saying.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Censorship Debate

1) For chapter 1, write three things based on the reading that supports the above resolution. This is the "pro" argument.

--"Copyright are one of the oldest forms of censorship."
--Censorship is not "always and everywhere a threat to our very freedom." Censorship of triple XXX porn on Saturday mornings" is probably a good thing.
--"Campaign finance laws" regulate free speech and this is a good limit to freedom of speech.

2) For chapter 2, write three things based on the reading that goes against the above resolution. This is the "con" argument.

--First Amendment protects people's ability to express their opinions and it's good to hear what other people are thinking.
--The government shouldn't be able to decide whose opinions are "hateful."
--Freedom of speech is a good way to gain knowledge and find truth.

3) Write a paragraph where you state your opinion on the issue. It should include some evidence from the reading, but it does not have to follow each viewpoint to the letter. You can also include ideas and evidence from other sources or individuals.

My opinion about free speech is that it is something that I have a right to, but I don't have a thorough understanding of what it is or what is involved in it. I agree that things like pornography and racism should be limited. I believe that free speech doesn't mean that everyone is insulting each other 24 hours a day. I believe the laws are made for a reason that helps to keep things in order. I believe free speech is a right, but that there are times when that right needs to be controlled to an extent. I usually don't state my opinion on politics because I don't understand what politicians do. Since I don't know, I don't feel like I should say anything. I do agree with one sentence in the article where it says that speech should be protected. I don't think we should let the government decide what is protected because I think they have been biased against minorities. Free speech lets you be an individual but you have to decide what is worth sharing with others. Government is supposed to keep us in order, but they shouldn't jump into our business.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


1. According to the NAACP, why should Imus be silenced?

The NAACP thinks Imus should be silenced because he called the African American women basketball players a derogatory name. He shouldn't have said something like this live on the radio.

2. According to Frank Rich, why should Imus not be silenced?

Frank Rich says Imus should not be silenced because he is not a bigot and because he has taken responsibility for what he said.

3. Do you think Imus should be silenced? Why?

I think Imus should be silenced because usually you shouldn't call a whole group of people nappy headed ho's on the radio which is broadcasted everywhere. A lot of people are offended by this type of comment. He has the right of free speech, but what was he thinking? Was he thinking at all?

I think it is important to silence people when they are making mean comments because people have different beliefs, some people are offended easily and some people find those words rude. Some people take those words as if something was personally done to them. I believe it is best to think before you speak and I don't think Imus thought before he spoke. Also, there is another idea that says if you don't have something good to say then to not say anything at all. I think Imus should not have said anything if he didn't have something good to say.

I don't really understand the meaning of the words he said and I prefer to keep out of these types of conversations because I don't like to offend anyone. I think people are offended by his comments because people are offended by things about race. But I think we are all of the same race, the human race, and I don't think we should pay attention to skin color. I don't know why Imus said this, but I can't think of any reason why he did say it. Maybe he said it because he has freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech does not mean a person can just go around and say whatever he or she wants. I think people still need to be careful about what they say and how they say it because some people take some words as offensive even if they person who said them don't think of them that way. For example if you call someone a parrot and you thought it was random and silly, but the person might be offended and might feel it is rude. I think when you say things you have to think about how the other person might hear what you are saying.

I think Imus should be silenced. Free speech is a big thing in our country. It's been debated for a long time for a number of reasons. Free speech gives us freedom, but we need to limit it or things can get out of control. If everyone was cussing around every day, it wouldn't make socially and we might end up being barbarians. Our world is supposed to be civilized and we don't want it to be chaotic. We should all just be equal and put all this behind us so we can all get along and have peace. I really don't like it when people offend each other.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Plato, pages 85-93

Why should plays, and acting in them, be regulated? What is potentially beneficial or harmful from acting in a play?

Plays should be regulated because then people can put on a good show and the acting will be better directed. It might be good to regulate plays because then you can control the violence and there isn't as much detail in the battles and the fighting. Plato criticizes how some of the dialogue is written and if a play is regulated, then you can control the dialogue. Plato thinks plays should be edited or banned.

One thing that could be beneficial from acting in a play is that an actor can gain popularity. Something that can be harmful is that people can get jealous about actors and some people may not like the acting and some people may criticize you or hurt your feelings because they have different feelings about the play. Other beneficial things are that plays can be entertaining and make people happy.