Sunday, April 22, 2007

Censorship Debate

1) For chapter 1, write three things based on the reading that supports the above resolution. This is the "pro" argument.

--"Copyright are one of the oldest forms of censorship."
--Censorship is not "always and everywhere a threat to our very freedom." Censorship of triple XXX porn on Saturday mornings" is probably a good thing.
--"Campaign finance laws" regulate free speech and this is a good limit to freedom of speech.

2) For chapter 2, write three things based on the reading that goes against the above resolution. This is the "con" argument.

--First Amendment protects people's ability to express their opinions and it's good to hear what other people are thinking.
--The government shouldn't be able to decide whose opinions are "hateful."
--Freedom of speech is a good way to gain knowledge and find truth.

3) Write a paragraph where you state your opinion on the issue. It should include some evidence from the reading, but it does not have to follow each viewpoint to the letter. You can also include ideas and evidence from other sources or individuals.

My opinion about free speech is that it is something that I have a right to, but I don't have a thorough understanding of what it is or what is involved in it. I agree that things like pornography and racism should be limited. I believe that free speech doesn't mean that everyone is insulting each other 24 hours a day. I believe the laws are made for a reason that helps to keep things in order. I believe free speech is a right, but that there are times when that right needs to be controlled to an extent. I usually don't state my opinion on politics because I don't understand what politicians do. Since I don't know, I don't feel like I should say anything. I do agree with one sentence in the article where it says that speech should be protected. I don't think we should let the government decide what is protected because I think they have been biased against minorities. Free speech lets you be an individual but you have to decide what is worth sharing with others. Government is supposed to keep us in order, but they shouldn't jump into our business.

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