Tuesday, April 24, 2007


1) Give a quick explanation of the topic and propose a debate resolution of the topic. (a couple of sentences)

This article was about whether freedom is important to America or not. My debate resolution is that an average American would define freedom as being able to do what s/he wants and get what s/he wants.

2) Explain why it is an important topic. You choose what to write about, but here are some suggestions if you are stuck: How does it impact your constitutional rights? Can it impact your daily life? Does it empower or disempowered you as an individual? Does it promote or inhibit public discussion? Does it help or hurt people getting along with one another? (short paragraph)

In the First Amendment, the freedom they give us is limited and this is for a good reason. This is because we want to have an organized and civilized country and community. Without the First Amendment, we might not have gotten to where we are today in terms of being a civilized society. Freedom is something that most people want in daily life, but we don't always get it. For instance, I just learned that you can't always do what you want, you have to work to earn that freedom because you don't deserve to be free if you haven't done anything to prove your freedom. One thing about freedom is that some people who don't have money or jobs, or are struggling in school, they may not want to work to get these things, but the only way you can get something in life today is to work for what you want and work for a living. It is basically survival of the fittest. The ones that aren't the fittest are the ones who are getting hurt.

3) Write one or two sentences that explain a good point made by the con side and one or two sentences that explain a good point made by the pro side (2-4 sentences total).

--My definition for freedom is that you can say as much as you want, but if the laws say something different because we are limited in our freedoms.
--Not everyone can say what they want and do what they want, especially if they don't have money or are part of a minority. Often it is more difficult for these people to express themselves and be listened. For example, the Klu Klux Klan makes it difficult for certain people to do and say what they want.

--The First Amendment gives people choices and protects them if they say what they want because it gives them freedom of speech.
--The First Amendment also gives people the freedom to believe what they want to believe so they can do what they want.

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