Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Agamemnon is a good leader

Main Argument: Agamemnon is a good leader.


  1. He's the king.
  2. He's won many wars for Greece.
  3. He had to lead an army to fight the wars.
  4. He claims he's the best of the Acheans.
  5. He has the courage to take away the war prize of one of the most powerful men in Greece who is almost immortal.
  6. He motivates his troops (Book 9, Lines 20-30).
  7. He has the courage to speak against the gods (Book 9).
  8. He's a good fighter.
  9. He brought back Chryses' daughter (Book 1, Line 525-530).
  10. He formed the army to attack Troy.
  11. He inspired the men to fight on even though Achilles wasn't going to fight.
  12. He formed the largest army in all Greece.

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