Saturday, March 3, 2007

Debate Resolution

Resolution: Achilles is a lot more favored by the gods than Agamemnon.

  1. Agamemnon in the Iliad has never prayed to the gods and he has never been favored by the gods.
  2. Achilles prayed to the Zeus before Patroclus went to battle.
  3. Achilles prayed to Zeus when Agamemnon took Briseis from him.
  4. Hera sent Athena to help Achilles make a decision.
  5. Achilles' mother knows the gods and is immortal herself.
  6. Achilles never asks the gods to help him, but he asks them to punish Agamemnon by helping the Trojans.
  7. Zeus said to Achilles that he would grant him his prayer about Patroclus to drive the Trojans from the beach, but Zeus said he could not grant the prayer that Patroclus would live.
  8. Achilles also has friends that were favored by the gods. Odyesseus and Ajax are both heroes of Greece and were favored by the gods.

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