Saturday, January 20, 2007

Clarisse and Mildred

One thing I find confusing about the book is the mechanical hound. What is it? Also, I am confused about why they burn books?

Clarisse seems more mature than Mildred because she seems to know things that were from the past. She evens knows things that Montag doesn't know. Clarisse also pays better attention to Montag than Mildred does. Even though Mildred is married and Clarrise isn't, she seems more mature because she talks more to Montag and she actually acts like she is older. She asks questions and seems more interested in the world.

People in the novel are similar to people today because they have the same types of problems like drugs and trouble in their marriages. People in the book are different because for example the firemen didn't save the woman in the book when her house was on fire. Today firemen would save the woman. Also the firemen start fires and don't put them out and they burn books.


Anonymous said...

Austin, good question on why they burn books. As far as I know I am pretty sure it is like what Mr. Jana said in class. Books give people ideas. If you take away people's ideas, then you control the world on a social and political level. Make sense? Good question.

Mr. Jana said...

Nice comment Olivia. Thanks for checking out the other blogs.