Monday, January 29, 2007

Farenheit 451, pages 138-154

Questions about this section of the book

1. Who is the character Granger? Is he a poet?
2. Why did they fake Montag's death?

After Montag escapes, he finds a camp of people and they give him this stuff that will make him not be able to be sensed by the mechanical hound. On a TV that they have in the camp, it shows that Montag is being killed, but they don't show the man's face; so basically they are faking his death. But Montag is at the camp so they are just trying to cover up and keep the society the way it is. Most of the people were book burners and they had books and that's why they came to the camp because it is a refuge for people like Montag.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. Who is the character Granger? Is he a poet?
He was an old college professor, I think, also his friends were too.

2. Why did they fake Montag's death?
Because they couldn't find him, plus they got some other "wierdo" who took long walks instead of staying in thier house.