Tuesday, February 6, 2007

2/6 - Hesiod Writing Assignment

Explain how Zeus came to power. Write about these following issues: How is he similar/different to Uranus or Cronos? Is his grip on power secure or fragile? Explain why or why not.

First at the beginning of time, Gae--young earth who later becomes mother earth after she marries the sky Uranus, and then eventually she gives birth to Cronos and Cronos overthrows Uranus. Then Cronos fears that one of his off-spring will do the same to him so he swallows each of his children each time his wife gives birth. When his sixth child was born, Rhea--Cronos' wife--asked Mother Earth for help. Mother Earth had been waiting for this and she has been controlling the destiny of all of her children. Gae helps Rhea and when Rhea gives birth, Rhea gives Cronos a stone to swallow instead of the child. Rhea takes Zeus, the new born child, to an island where he is raised. Once he grows up, he defeated Cronos and freed his brothers and sistesrs.

Zeus is similar to Cronos because he overthrows his own father; however he is not like him because Zeus is a god and not a Titan. Zeus is like Uranus because he was a father to many children just like Uranus. Zeus had conflicts with Rhea just like Uranus. After Zeus came into power, Gae got upset with Zeus for putting the Titans--her sons into the underworld.

Zeus' power is secure because he is immortal and he's a really good leader.

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