Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Iliad Reading Notes Lines 408-506

Things that confused me about the reading:
· I was confused by how the dialogue was traded between characters. At times, I wasn’t sure who was saying what and what they were trying to say.
· When you just read the story without reading chapters, this story makes more sense. It doesn’t make so much sense when you have to stop all the time. I actually want to read more.

Important things that happen
· Achilles asks for help. I think it’s kind of strange that almost immortal man asks for help.
· He asks his mother for help.
· A new character, Odysseus appears in the story. He prays and makes a sacrifice to Apollo.
· Apollo answers his prayers by ceasing the plague. He also stops shooting his arrows.
· The men were singing when they noticed the plague ended. Apollo was the god of music and he was pleased to see them singing about him.
· It’s important to remember that there is joy in the world.

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