Monday, February 12, 2007

My Rage- Cause

I'm angry because I don't always get what Want. I hate it when I am selfish. When I feel that way I don't think about anything but myself. It's bad for expressing myself and it's wrong.
But why do people want to be selfish? I think it's because they want attention, happiness, love, and power. It's hard to control rage. It's like a crisis that stop on its own will. Anger will forever be a phenomena of endless mystery.


Amiry said...
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Amiry said...


This piece was reallyyy good.

I agree, People can't help but talk about themselves. It's wrong, but people want to be noticed. People can't help but brag about themselves every once in a while.

You really went beyond describing in detail. I really liked how you were very descriptive in bringing your rage alive to the reader.

I liked your last line to this piece, "Anger will forever be a phenomena of endless mystery."
That was really good. It leaves the reader wondering.
Great work! :D

RG Huckins said...

I really liked the topic of your rage paragraph and I thought it was interesting how you wrote your own opinion on anger. There were many great descriptive words that made this paragraph even better. For example, "...phenomena of endless mystery." I don't have any suggestions except that you might want to check your paragraph for small errors before you post.

Austin J said...


I'm glad that you like this piece of work that I wrote. Although I can't quite remember when I was writing about my rage. The only thing I remember about it was that it was a homework assignment. The thing is I'm still wondering why people always want attention. Probably it's because people want to be noticed or be popular, but if they really want to be noticed, why don't they just tell us if there is something wrong with them. It's not that hard to go out and explore the world.

Austin J said...


Thanks for commenting on my rage paragraph. I might not go back and correct anything, but thank you very much for pointing things out. I would just like to also suggest that when commenting you might be a bit more specific so I can make changes you think are important to make. I don't mean to offend you.