Thursday, February 8, 2007

Extra Credit: What would Bradbury have thought about blogging?

I think Bradbury would be amazed that I could write a story on a device that will keep it posted in its memory forever. So I will never have to worry about my work getting destroyed by being burnt. I think Bradbury would have thought blogs would be an excellent form of communication for Mildred and Montag because they could express their thinking easier by typing it instead of having to talk and listen to one another. I think they would communicate more often because blogging would be new and something exciting that would be easier and better than talking to one another.


Mr. Jana said...


I'm glad to see you take me up on the extra credit. I gave you extra credit for your blog homework (it's not on powergrade yet).

Personally, I did not think about the electronic nature of blogs being impervious to fire, but I think it is a great point (and pretty obvious once you think about it). I was thinking more along the lines of whether blogs would dumb us down or not.

Thanks for giving me a new perspective on the book.

Mr. J

Austin J said...

Mr. Jana,

I just tried to think about some things the author might have thought of, but of course I'm not the author so I just did my best. Get better soon.


Austin J said...

Mr. Jana,

Your welcome Mr. Jana. I;m not quite sure why I wrote it the way I did, but I think I did it because I wanted to probably mix things up a bit or express what I thought about how Mildred and Montag communicated in the book. I think it is very similar to daily life today.