Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Iliad Reading Notes III

Iliad Reading Notes
Book 2

Summaries of the stanzas

Stanza 220
· Achilles is just about to decide whether he should kill Agamemnon or not when Hera sent Athena down from the heavens.
Stanza 230
· Achilles asks why Athena has come down—to see the truth of what Agamemnon has done?
Stanza 240
· Athena tells Achilles not to kill Agamemnon because Hera loves them both and Achilles asks why.
Stanza 250
· Achilles put his sword away and he ceased from killing Agamemnon.
Stanza 260
· Athena goes back up to Olympus.

Questions about the reading:

1. Why is this part of the story so important?
2. Do you think Achilles would have killed Agamemnon if the gods didn’t come and interfere in his decision?

Predict what will happen next

I think Agamemnon will make things much worse because he wants Helen back for himself. I think he will make things worse by going to Troy and chaos will start up.

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