Monday, February 26, 2007

Iliad Reading Notes 521-869

1. Who is the character Phoenix?

Before reading this section, I thought Achilles a lot smarter than Agamemnon. I also thought he was more independent than the other soldiers. I also thought he was very brave but after reading it, I don't understand why he is staying out of the fighting. I think he might be afraid that he is going to die and that he might want to spend some time with his friends. I think it is kind of similar to the way Jesus died, how he had a last supper with his friends. Achilles' story reminds me of that.

Who is speaking? Phoenix
What does that person say and to whom does he say it? Achilles--trying to convince not to sail home from battle
What persuasive strategy is it? appeal to emotion
Why is it an example of that strategy? he's calling Achilles a coward for his actions

Who is speaking? Achilles
What does that person say and to whom does he say it? Phoenix--Achilles tells him why he doing what he's doing
What persuasive strategy is it? appeal to ethics
Why is it an example of that strategy? Achilles says he'll think about overnight and decide what is right to do

Who is speaking? Ajax
What does that person say and to whom does he say it? Odysseus--he's telling him there work is done
What persuasive strategy is it? appeal to logic
Why is it an example of that strategy? because he is telling him the way things are

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