Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Iliad Reading Notes--Book 16, lines 1 -333

1. What does Patroclus propose to Achilles and what is Achilles’ response? Why does Achilles grant Patroclus’ request?

Patroclus asks Achilles if he can lead them into battle and Achilles agrees. Achilles agrees because he still has rage about what Agamemnon did to him and he can't seem to stop being angry.

2. On p. 413 line 35 (approximately), Patroclus tells Achilles that Achilles is “cursed in [his] own courage.” What does Patroclus mean by that and do you agree with him?

Patroclus means that Achilles is so confident of his strength that he can't control it. I don't agree with this because he seems to control his strength. He was able to decide not to kill Agamemnon and he stuck to that decision.

3. Either ask questions about the text or write down vocab words from the text with definitions.

I don't really understand why Achilles accepts Patroclus' request?

Who is Patroclus?

Is Patroclus a friend of Agamemnon?

Did Ajax die?

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