Monday, February 26, 2007

Iliad Reading notes Lines 1-522

1. Who is Ajax?

Before reading this section, I thought at first that Agamemnon was someone who cheated on his wife, who slept with other women, who ws selfish and greedy and ruthless. I basically thought he was the worst type of person you would find around today. I also thought he was a cry baby. After reading this section, I don't really think he has changed much. He shows that he really is a cry baby. He tries to give everything away ust to get Achilles back into the war. I think he plans that once Achilles gets inside Troy and if he dies that then Agamemnon will get everything back.

Who is speaking? Nestor
What does that person say and to whom does he say it?
Agamemnon's men--he tells them to take the message to Achilles that King Agamemnon is offering him gifts to get him back into war
What persuasive strategy is it? appeal to emotion
Why is it an example of that strategy? because it's appealing to Achilles feelings about getting gifts

Who is speaking? Odysseus
What does that person say and to whom does he say it? Achilles-- he tells him what Agamemnon said; what Nestor ordered him to tell Achilles
What persuasive strategy is it? appeal to emotion
Why is it an example of that strategy? because he is trying to scare Achilles into acting

Who is speaking? Achilles
What does that person say and to whom does he say it? Ajax and Odysseus--he tells them to take a message to Agamemnon to sail home because he will never take Troy
What persuasive strategy is it? appeal to logic
Why is it an example of that strategy? Achilles lays out the options for Agamemnon or he can fight and possibly die

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