Thursday, February 8, 2007

Revised D.P. 2/9

Montag thought, "Oh my god, he's coming closer.

What's he going to do?

Is he going to kill Mildred?

Will he kill me?

Will he kill Faber?

What I need to do is pull this trigger.

Why does he keep coming closer?

Where's the hound? Where's the hound? Where's the hound?

I know it's here.

Why is he coming closer to me?

I think I'm going to . . ."

And then fire came from the nozzle.


RG Huckins said...

I thought it was interesting how you changed the format. The paragraph doesn't seem like paragraph but a poem...or something like it.

Mr. Jana said...


I also liked the change of format; it seems more like "stream of conscious" questioning, but do you think it shows what you have learned about descriptive writing?

Mr. J

Austin J said...

No I don't actually show what I have learned about descriptive writing. Usually when I write something that I'm supposed to do, I just write them to get them done.